
       hoopla allows you to download and stream free videos, music, audiobooks, comics, and ebooks on your mobile device or computer, for free using your library card. Our hoopla library has over 500,000 titles for you to download immediately!
There are no holds or waiting lists for items…ever!

Borrowing Times

Ebooks, Audiobooks, Comics, Graphic Novels Movies, Television Music
21 Days 72 Hours (Some 48 Hours) 7 Days


To Register and Use hoopla:

1. Go to www.hoopladigital.com. You can do this on a PC or download the hoopla app on an iOS or Android device. You will have to enter an email address and create a password (it can be anything you like). Then you will be promoted to choose your library. Make sure you pick Woodbridge Town Library in Connecticut. Lastly, you will have to enter your  Woodbridge Town Library card number.

2. Browse titles by clicking on the Browse All format. You can also search for titles by clicking on the Search box or magnifying glass.

3. To borrow a title, click on the title and then click the Borrow button. Your borrowed titles can be played right after borrowing. You can temporarily download the item to your device (great for when you’re in the car or away from wifi) OR stream directly from hoopla (works best with a good wifi connection). Your borrowed items can be found under the My Titles menu for viewing/listening.

4. Borrowed titles will be automatically returned when your lending period is over. There are no holds, wait lists, or late fees for any of hoopla’s content!

Please contact the Adult Services Department with any questions. You must be a Woodbridge resident with a valid Woodbridge Town Library card to access this service.