Notice! The Library will be closed Monday, October 14th.



Eric Werthmann, Director   203.389.3435
Business Office   203.389.3437 

 Adult Services

Jenna Anthony, Head of Adult Services   203.389.3487
Donna Faryna, Adult Services Librarian   203.389.3466
Adult Services Staff/Reference Desk   203.389.3434

 Children’s and Youth Services

Emily Cantor, Head of Children’s Services   203.389.3447
Beth Weintraub, Deputy Head of Children’s Services   203.389.3490
Children’s Staff   203.389.3439

For programming inquiries (adults & children), please fill out our form.


Sarah Shepherd, Head of Circulation   203.389.3498
Circulation Staff   203.389.3433 

Technical Services

Technical Services Staff   203.389.3438 

Not sure who you need? Please send an email to our general account and someone will get back to you!