The Woodbridge Town Library has gone fine free, which means patrons will no longer be charged fines for overdue items. The Library had been waiving all overdue fines since the start of the pandemic and the recognition that fines create barriers to access led the Woodbridge Library Commission to vote to permanently eliminate all
fines for overdue books, movies and other library items at its March meeting. All existing overdue fines for Woodbridge Town Library items have been removed, but this policy change will not include replacement fees for missing or damaged items.
“We want people in the community to be excited about coming to the Library, rather than worried about whether or not they owe a fine,” says Library Director Eric Werthmann. “We want to encourage the use of the Library’s materials, facilities and services.”
The Fine Free movement is growing in the library world and has been adopted by many local libraries. Currently there are almost 100 fine free libraries (52 percent) in Connecticut, including nearby libraries in Bethany, Branford, Cheshire, Hamden, Madison, and New Haven.
Items will still have due dates, and patrons will still responsible for returning books, movies and other borrowed items. If there’s no hold on an item for another patron, the item will be renewed automatically up to two times. Patrons are still responsible for lost or damaged materials; they will be charged the value of the item so that the library can buy a replacement copy. Overdue museum passes will have a $5 per day late fee.
This new policy applies only to items owned by the Woodbridge Town Library; fees may be charged by other Connecticut libraries (including those in the LION consortium) and may be applied to the patron’s library account. Please see the Circulation Department with any questions, or contact them: 203-389-3433 or askus@woodbridgetownlibrary.org