Notice! Library closed all day Monday, January 20.

Story & Craft: Pizza Mouse

Pizza Mouse by Michael Garland
Based on a true story! Read the book together, talk about the questions, then make the craft. There’s a bonus video for you at the very end, too.

If you don’t have the book at home, click here!

Story Questions:
1. Do you think anyone likes mice? Do you?
2. Where does the mouse in the story live?
3. What does he spend his time doing?
4. Name some of the places the mouse looks for food.
5. Can you think of another place mice might look for food?
6. When the mouse is trying to escape from the man, the cars, and the bird, where does it hide?
7. What does he do with the pizza once he finds it?
8. Which subway train does he take?
9. Who does the mouse share the pizza with?
10. Where is the mouse’s home?

Make your OWN pizza and mouse!
Brown paper bag, heavier is better
Construction Paper
Glue stick or white glue
Black marker or a pencil
Pizza toppings and mouse template (click here)

Cut a large triangle from the paper bag, fold down at top and glue to create pizza crust.
Make the cheese.
Print out template. (You can color and cut, or trace onto construction paper using different colors, then cut out. )
Glue your toppings onto pizza. 
Make your mouse, and add a few small strips of paper for the whiskers.

For extra fun:
Check out the YouTube video of the Pizza Rat in NYC!