You can now sign up for a library card online!
This is ONLY for new Woodbridge residents or if you live in Woodbridge, but have never had a library card before. If you need to renew your card, please call us at 203-389-3433 or visit the library. Thank you!
Questions? Email us at askus@woodbridgetownlibrary.org
LIBRARY CARDS: All residents of Woodbridge are entitled to a Woodbridge Library Card. If you show proof of residency (driver’s license, checks imprinted with local address, utility bill, tax bill), a borrower’s card will be issued to you. The card is valid for five years and is renewable. Your Woodbridge card may be used in any public library in Connecticut. New card holders will be added to our email newsletter list; you may opt out at any time.
OUT-OF-TOWNERS: If you are a resident of any CT town, we will accept a valid library card from your home town. You need only present identification with your current address and your valid library card, and we will register you in our library.
LOST LIBRARY CARDS: Replacement cost is $2.00.
LETTING OTHERS USE YOUR CARD: If you allow a friend or relative to use your card, you are responsible for returning these items on time and paying any late charges.

You can track your reading history online when you are logged into your library account! Once you login, look under “My Account” on the left-hand side of the screen. Click “Reading History” and then click “Start Recording My Reading History.”