Park & Pickup Changes

On Monday, September 13, Park & Pickup became request-only and automatic email holds notices have returned.

Do not reply to the automated email notification as it comes from an account that is not checked.

You will get automated emails when your holds are ready, and then you will have approximately one week to pick them up inside the library. (If you normally receive phone calls from the library about your holds that are ready for pick up, you will still get the call from us.) 

All items that are ready for you to pick up will be put on the self-service holds shelf next to the Circulation Desk, as they were prior to June 2020. Please come inside, pick up your items, then go to the Circulation Desk to check them out. We also have a self-checkout machine for your convenience.

If your email address has changed, or if you’d like to get emails instead of phone calls (or vice versa), please let us know.

Every time you get a notification email and you would like to continue to use our Park & Pickup service to obtain your items, you will have to specifically request this by calling the Circulation Desk at 203-389-3433.  After letting us know that you would like to get your items via Park & Pickup, they will be checked out to you and brought to the Meeting Room within 15 minutes.

Thank you for all of your support and feedback over the last year and a half, regarding Park & Pickup and other library matters. We are happy to be slowly returning to our usual library services and we look forward to seeing you back inside the building!