Notice! The Library will close at 2pm on Saturday, 2/15 due to snow. The Library will be closed all day Monday, February 17th.

Film Screening: The Village: Life in New Haven’s Little Italy

01/24/2019, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Woodbridge Town Library
10 Newton Road
Woodbridge, Connecticut 06525
Categories: Adult Event
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Documentary | 60 min Join us for a special film screening and Q&A afterwards with filmmaker Steve Hamm, film editor Scott Amore, and longtime Wooster Square Resident Frank Carrano who is featured in the film. The Village: Life in New Haven’s Little Italy, tells the story of the city’s Wooster Square neighborhood, which for many years was a tight-knit Italian-American enclave. Using oral history interviews, photos from family albums, and historic films and photographs, the documentary explores the power of ethnic identity and reaffirms the importance of immigration to American society. Today, few descendants of the immigrants still live in Wooster Square, but vestiges of their community remain--in the church, the ethnic societies and their festas, and the pizza joints and pastry shops. Most vividly, the village lives on in the fond memories of the people who grew up there. No registration required.

Online bookings are not available for this event.