Notice! The Library will close at 2pm on Saturday, 2/15 due to snow. The Library will be closed all day Monday, February 17th.

Film Screening: A Hero for Daisy

05/03/2018, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Woodbridge Town Library
10 Newton Road
Woodbridge, CT 06525
Categories: Adult Event
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The film chronicles the story of Title IX pioneer and two-time Olympian Chris Ernst, who galvanized her rowing team to storm the Yale athletic director’s office in 1976, protesting the lack of athletic facilities for women. Nineteen athletes stripped, exposing the phrase “Title IX” in blue marker (referring to legislation enacted in 1972, mandating gender equity for all institutions receiving federal aid). The impact was immediate and national in scope. No registration required. Part of our One Book, One Town Events Series.

Online bookings are not available for this event.